2      Analytic logic and Boolean lattices


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Modern formal logic is a rigorous expression of the syllogistic logic of Aristotle.  Regarding the foundation of his logic, Aristotle wrote: -


Whenever three terms are so related to one another that the last is contained in the middle as in a whole, and the middle is either contained in or excluded from the first as in or from a whole, the extremes must be connected by a perfect syllogism.  By a middle term I mean one that is itself contained in another and contains another in itself; this term also becomes middle by position.  By extremes I mean both that term which is itself contained in another and that in which another is contained. (Aristotle [1964 / c.400 BC] p. 8)


My underling.  The extract illustrates how the idea of syllogistic logic arises from an analogy with containment in space, and is developed from the relation of part to whole. 




If A is contained in B and B in C then A must be contained in C.



If A is contained in B and B is wholly separate from C, then the A cannot be contained in C. To say that A is contained in C is a contradiction.  Every tautology is founded on a relation of containment in space.  To illustrate this, consider the tautology, .  This concerns two propositions, p and q, each of which can be negated to give  and .  Let there be a partition of space to which these four propositions,  apply.    We cannot have , for that is as much as to say that a partition is not contained in itself, which violates geometric intuition.  Likewise,  is impossible.  All other combinations of  are contingently possible.  Hence, the space may be divided into four partitions: -

As indicated, let us identify these partitions with sets .  Here the numerals 1, 2, 3, 4 signify nothing more than arbitrary distinct names for the undifferentiated content of each partition – whatever state of affairs it is in the world that makes the propositions true.  The do not necessary stand for numbers.  Let us call these four partitions atoms of the space generated by contingent propositions p and q.



The proposition p corresponds to the union of partitions , which is  and  corresponds to the partition .  Hence, since partition  is contained in partition , if  is true then  must be true; this gives  and the tautology  follows.  There are 16 combinations of p, q corresponding to 16 partitions of the space represented by . 

2.1  Geometric definition of a lattice

A poset [Chap. 2, Sec. 2.5.2] L is called a lattice if for every  .  Let  and .  The element  is called the “join” of x and y and the element  is called the “meet” of x and y.

2.2  Largest and smallest elements

The symbol 1 (bold typeface) denotes the largest element in the lattice and is the join of all the atoms.  Likewise, the symbol 0 denotes the smallest element of the lattice, which is the meet of all the atoms.[1]


From this definition we can construct the model of the propositional logic of p and q, which is a Boolean lattice – that is, a complemented, distributive lattice.

2.3  Boolean lattice of two propositions

This lattice shall be denoted, , where  and


(Cartesian product)  Here  denotes the complement of p.


The properties of  are significant because they are inherited by all finite Boolean lattices. 

2.4  Definition, Boolean lattice / algebra

A Boolean lattice, also called a Boolean algebra, is any structure , subject to the axioms:

 is a distributive lattice[2]


I shall be using the terms lattice and algebra interchangeably, but it is useful to appreciate their different nuances.  The term lattice emphasises the structural aspect – an abstract and rigid object that is visualised in the above diagram by the points and the lines joining them.  The term algebra emphasises the relation to the language used to describe this structure.  So we need both terms.  This lattice / algebra is also related to the logic built over the lattice.  Formal analytic logic is a structure built for the purpose of conducting inferences, whereas the lattice is a structure conceived as a collection of relations given a priori.  Analytic logic is the application of the analytic properties of a lattice to the purpose of inference.  It is customary to use the same symbols for the join  and meet  in the lattice as those used for the logical  operations  of  disjunction    and  conjunction  . This  is  an  abuse  of  notation nonetheless, because of the intimate relation between the logic and the lattice, it is natural and convenient.  The lattice complement  corresponds to negation  in logic.  The top and bottom elements, 1 and 0 are said to be “distinguished elements”; this just simply means that they are marked out in our language by distinct symbols; we do not use  for 1; it would be inconvenient.[3]  In the discussion that follows any general property of  is inherited by all finite Boolean algebras.

            Concerning Boolean algebras, there is an important principle of duality: -

          2.5  Principle of duality

Every Boolean algebra has an isomorphic dual formed by interchanging 0 for 1 and  for  at every lattice point.


This is part of a longer thesis advancing a refutation of strong AI.  To download the thesis visit: -

Poincare’s thesis

For an introduction to the work as a whole visit: -

Introduction to Poincare’s thesis by Peter Fekete


[1] Not all lattices have a 1 and 0.  Complete lattices do have them.  [9.4 above]  All finite Boolean lattices are complete.

[2] A lattice is distributive iff the identities  and  hold in it.

[3] Being “distinguished” does not mean that they are called into existence by the act of distinguishing them; they exist in any lattice, but we distinguish them by naming them.