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Congruent triangles Workout 35 slides
Congruency Library 12 questions
Once you have registered, you can work through the slides one by one. The workout comprises a series of sides that guide you systematically through the topic concept by concept, skill by skill. The slides may be used with or without the support of a tutor. The methodology is based on problem-solving that advances in logical succession by concept and difficulty. The student is presented with a problem or series of questions, and the next slide presents the fully-worked solution. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account. comprises a complete course in mathematics with resources that are comprehensive.



Showing American English version


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Showing American English version

QUESTION [difficulty 0.1]

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sample workout slide



258: Quadrilaterals and polygons
268: Congruency
284: Circle theorems



Opposite, corresponding, alternating angles 600.1
Congruent triangles (identical triangles) 600.8
Sufficient condition 601.0
Necessary condition 601.2
ASA - sufficient condition of congruent triangles 601.6
SSS - sufficient condition of congruent triangles 601.7
SAS - sufficient condition of congruent triangles 601.8
SSA is not sufficient 602.0
RHS - sufficient condition of congruent triangles 602.2


To make use of this chapter, please first register. Then you can work through the slides one by one.
What is provided here is the raw text of the workout. Most of the information is contained in the image files, which are not included with this text. The text may appear deceptively short. (The content overall of is vast.) Any in-line questions appear as a question mark [?]. This text is provided only as an indication of the overall quantity of material contained in the chapter. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account.
SLIDE 1 Revision ? Which angles in the diagram are equal? ? What is the name given to the relation between angles a and b? ? What is the name given to the relation between angles a and c? ? What is the name given to the relation between angles b and c? ? What is the angle sum of c and d? SLIDE 2 ? Angles a, b and c are all equal. ? Angles a and b are vertically opposite. ? Angles a and c are corresponding. ? Angles b and c are alternate. ? The angle sum of c and d is 180°. SLIDE 3 Find the angle a SLIDE 4 Triangle is isosceles as a and d are alternating angles SLIDE 5 Find the angle x. SLIDE 6 The angle sum of a quadrilateral is 360°. Therefore, The two base angles of the isosceles triangle are equal. Therefore, SLIDE 7 What does it mean to say that two triangles are identical? SLIDE 8 Congruent triangles When are two triangles identical? This question invites different answers. One answer is that two triangles are identical if they exactly overlap each other. In other words, one triangle fits exactly on top of the other. Another way of putting this, is that the triangle is only identical to itself. Another answer is that two triangles are identical if we could move one triangle so that it would fit exactly into the space occupied by the other. To make it clear what we mean, we say that the triangles are congruent. SLIDE 9 Congruent triangles Two triangles are congruent if we could move one triangle so that it would fit exactly into the space occupied by the other. Must two triangles with exactly the same angles be congruent? SLIDE 10 Two triangles are similar when their angles are equal. But one similar triangle may be larger than another. Similarity is not a sufficient condition of congruency. Being similar does not make two triangles congruent. SLIDE 11 “Two triangles are not similar, but they are congruent.” Is this statement true or false? SLIDE 12 If two triangles are not similar, then they can have at most one equal angle. There is no way that one of these triangles can fit exactly into the space of the other. So, they cannot be congruent. Therefore, similarity is a necessary condition of two triangles being congruent, but it is not a sufficient condition. SLIDE 13 Necessary condition A necessary condition is some fact that must be true in order to ensure some other fact. It is also called a precondition. Example If triangle A is congruent to triangle B, then triangles A and B must be similar. Similarity is a necessary condition of congruency. Similarity is a precondition of congruency. SLIDE 14 Sufficient condition A sufficient condition is a fact that if true ensures (forces) the truth of another fact. Example If two right angled triangles are both isosceles, then the two triangles must be similar. It is a sufficient condition for two right angled triangles to be similar that they are isosceles. Reason. A triangle contains a right angle. If it is also isosceles, the other two angles must be equal. As the angle sum of a triangle is 180°, the other two angles must be 45°. SLIDE 15 We seek the sufficient conditions for when two triangles are congruent. Two triangles will be congruent when given information about one triangle, it is only possible to construct the second triangle in one way. Example ? First triangle: you know the length of the base of a triangle, and the two angles on the base. ? Second triangle: is it possible to make a second triangle that is different from the first triangle? Given the angles a and b, then, since the angle sum of a triangle is 180°, there is only one way to find third angle, c. This makes the two triangles similar. The size of the base, x, fixes the size of the whole triangle. Both triangles must be congruent. The information allows us to construct the second triangle in only one way. We draw the base of length x and measure the two angles, a and b. Then, there is only one point of intersection, P, and only one way to construct the second triangle. SLIDE 16 ASA Two triangles are congruent if you know that two angles and the included side between the two angles are the same. This is a sufficient condition for two triangles to be congruent. It is abbreviated to ASA, short for angle-side-angle. In this abbreviation, the use of the letter A does not indicate that both angles are equal, as in an isosceles triangle. The mention of the side being “included” is not really needed. The two triangles will also be congruent if the corresponding sides are equal. SLIDE 17 SSS Two triangles are congruent if you all three sides of both triangles are equal. This is also another sufficient condition for two triangles to be congruent. It is abbreviated to SSS, short for side-side-side. SLIDE 18 SAS Two triangles are congruent if two sides are the same and the angle included between them is the same. This is also another sufficient condition for two triangles to be congruent. It is abbreviated to SAS, short for side-angle-side. SLIDE 19 SAS Two triangles are congruent if two sides are the same and the angle included between them is the same. This time the phrase “included” is needed. Show that if the angle is not included between two sides, then there generally are two different ways to construct a second triangle. SLIDE 20 You are given two sides and an angle, but if you do not know that the angle is included within the two sides, then there are two ways to construct the triangle. Thus, SSA (side-side-angle) is not a sufficient condition for two triangles to be congruent. SLIDE 21 We have shown that SSA is not sufficient when the angle is not included between the two sides. But there is one exception to this case. Redraw the above diagram, but make the angle a right angle. SLIDE 22 RHS If the angle is a right angle, then even if the angle is not included between the two give sides, there is only one way to construct the triangle. The other side is the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle. This is abbreviated to RHS, right-hypotenuse-side. SLIDE 23 Summary Sufficient conditions for two triangles to be congruent ASA SSS SAS RHS SLIDE 24 In each case state whether the two triangles are definitely congruent. If they are congruent, state the sufficient condition. ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 25 ? Congruent RHS ? Congruent SSS ? Congruent SAS ? Not congruent ? Not congruent similar ? Congruent ASA SLIDE 26 Prove that ABO and DCO are congruent, and find the lengths of AB and OB. SLIDE 27 The angles at O are vertically opposite. The angles at A and D are equal. ABO and DCO are congruent by ASA. SLIDE 26B Prove that ABO and DCO are congruent, and find the lengths of AB and OB. SLIDE 27B The angles at O are vertically opposite. The angles at A and D are equal. ABO and DCO are congruent by ASA. SLIDE 28 Prove that ABO is congruent to DCO SLIDE 29 The angles at O are vertically opposite. Between parallel lines, the other angles are alternating. The two parallel lines are equal, and corresponding sides. Therefore, ABO is congruent to DCO by ASA. SLIDE 30 Triangle MPN is isosceles. Find the length of PO. SLIDE 31 Since MPN is isosceles In the triangles MPX and NPO, all three angles are equal, and MP corresponds to NP. Therefore, MPX is congruent to NPO by ASA. By Pythagoras, SLIDE 32 In the quadrilateral ABCD, angle ABC is equal to angle BCD, and . Prove that the diagonals, AC and BD are equal. SLIDE 33 BC is common to both triangles ABC and DCB. We are given angle ABC is equal to angle BCD, and , so ABC and DCB are congruent by SAS. Hence, AC and BD are equal. SLIDE 34 Angles and are equal. Prove that triangles ACF and GEB are congruent. SLIDE 35 The angles x are equal (given). The angles y are equal because alternating and corresponding between parallel lines. , since AC and EG are parallel. Hence ACF is congruent to GEB by ASA. (Alternative proofs are possible.)