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The tricky aspects of algebra

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Algebra and number puzzles Workout 63 slides
Problem solving with algebra Library 17 questions
Once you have registered, you can work through the slides one by one. The workout comprises a series of sides that guide you systematically through the topic concept by concept, skill by skill. The slides may be used with or without the support of a tutor. The methodology is based on problem-solving that advances in logical succession by concept and difficulty. The student is presented with a problem or series of questions, and the next slide presents the fully-worked solution. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account. comprises a complete course in mathematics with resources that are comprehensive.



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QUESTION [difficulty 0.1]

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258: Quadrilaterals and polygons
266: Further proportionality
270: The tricky aspects of algebra
272: Lines and equations



You cannot divide by zero 605.1
Functions where the value is undefined 605.9
Singularity 605.9
Identifying singularities 605.9
Consolidation: rational, irrational, real 606.5
Sets of rational and real numbers, Q, R 606.8
x is an element of R, symbol 606.8
Implicit domain is R in x > 0 606.8
Solution set 606.9
Number of solutions in a solution set 607.3
Puzzles on number facts 607.4
Number puzzles 607.6
The Little Gauss problem 607.8
Consolidation of the traffic cone question 608.0
Linear congruence (implicit) 608.5
Number puzzle on digits of a number 608.8
Number puzzle with fractions 609.2
Number puzzle on arithmetic mean 609.6
Set notation, curly brackets 610.0


To make use of this chapter, please first register. Then you can work through the slides one by one.
What is provided here is the raw text of the workout. Most of the information is contained in the image files, which are not included with this text. The text may appear deceptively short. (The content overall of is vast.) Any in-line questions appear as a question mark [?]. This text is provided only as an indication of the overall quantity of material contained in the chapter. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account.
SLIDE 1 Consolidation Solve ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 2 ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 3 Consolidation When 24 students were added to a class, there were 5 times as many students as before. What was the original number of students? SLIDE 4 When 24 students were added to a class, there were 5 times as many students as before. What was the original number of students? Solution Let the original number of students be x. SLIDE 5 Consolidation . What is the value of n? SLIDE 6 . What is the value of n? Solution SLIDE 7 Consolidation Find the distance x SLIDE 8 It is to be noted that the units are different, but it is not necessary to convert in this question as the units cancel out in a ratio. SLIDE 7B Consolidation Find the distance x SLIDE 8B It is to be noted that the units are different, but it is not necessary to convert in this question as the units cancel out in a ratio. SLIDE 9 Consolidation ? . Find and . ? . SLIDE 10 ? . Find and . ? SLIDE 11 Consolidation - positive and negative solutions Find x, when ? ? ? and SLIDE 12 ? ? ? and SLIDE 13 What is wrong with this argument? SLIDE 14 The error in the argument took place between steps (3) and (4). You are not allowed to divide by zero. Alternatively, you cannot cancel through by zero. SLIDE 15 What is wrong with this argument? SLIDE 16 Substituting in , we get But is impossible because then , and you cannot divide by zero. SLIDE 17 Which of the following values of x are solutions to the above? A B C D Hint. Substitute each value into the left-hand side and see if you get . Also, do not forget the lesson of the previous question. SLIDE 18 A B C D SLIDE 19 Functions where the value is undefined Since you cannot divide by zero, this function is undefined for . FYI. This undefined value is also known as a singularity. State the value where each of the following functions are undefined. ? ? ? ? SLIDE 20 ? ? Undefined for Undefined for ? ? Undefined for Undefined for SLIDE 21 Example Solve ? ? ? ? SLIDE 22 ? ? ? ? SLIDE 23 State the value where each of the following functions are undefined. ? ? SLIDE 24 ? ? SLIDE 25 Consolidation A rational number is any number that can be written as a fraction. For example, and are rational numbers. All rational numbers have either finite or infinitely repeating decimal expansions. For example, . An irrational number is a number that cannot be written as a fraction. and the square root of any prime number are irrational numbers. A number cannot be both rational and irrational. The real numbers is the collection (set) of all rational and irrational numbers. The set of all real numbers is partitioned (divided exactly) into the set of rational and the set of irrational numbers. SLIDE 26 Classify the following numbers as rational or irrational SLIDE 27 SLIDE 28 Sets of rational numbers and real numbers The set (collection) of all rational numbers is written . The set (collection) of all real numbers is written . Any real number, positive or negative, is written . The use of an inequality indicates a real number means, any real number greater than 0. SLIDE 29 Solution sets ? Solution Since the product of any two numbers is a positive number, the square root of a number has both a positive and a negative solution. The writing of indicates that both solutions are required. Hence, the solution is ? Solution The writing of indicates that only the positive solution is asked for. The solution is only SLIDE 30 If , which of the following is equal to ? A B C D Either E SLIDE 31 If , which of the following is equal to ? Solution C The question has specifically asked for only the positive solution. SLIDE 32 ? Solve where ? How many solutions does have in each of the following intervals? ? If , simplify SLIDE 33 ? Solve where ? How many solutions does have in each of the following intervals? ? If , simplify . SLIDE 34 Puzzles on number facts If x is an odd integer, then which of the following could be equal to ? A 18 B 17 C 16 D 15 E 14 SLIDE 35 If x is an odd integer, then which of the following could be equal to ? A 18 B 17 C 16 D 15 E 14 Solution This is a number puzzle and there may be many approaches to solving it; the answer where may even be “obvious”. Points to consider: (1) as 1 and 6 are odd and even numbers, the product must be even. (2) Factorizing. (3) The product of two negatives is positive, so negative factors should be considered. (4) One can always just plug in some values of x and look to see what happens. If you start with positive values of x, you will soon realize you need to consider negative values too. Answer E, 14 SLIDE 36 Number puzzles If sum of consecutive integers from to x is 48. What is the value of x? SLIDE 37 If sum of consecutive integers from to x is 48. What is the value of x? Solution The trick is to realize that the negative sum of the numbers from to 0 cancels out the positive sum of the numbers from to . The sum of these consecutive numbers is always negative until we reach when it is 0. After that it increases. Since the answer is . Remarks (1) It is essential to know the meaning of consecutive, which has been introduced before. (2) It is possible to solve this problem using the ideas of an arithmetical progression. The solution leads to a quadratic equation, and as quadratics have not been introduced as yet at this course level, here it is intended it be solved directly by the above approach. The quadratic approach is long-winded in this instance, and the solution requires factors of , which is itself “tricky”. (3) This question is modelled on an American SAT question, where such number puzzles are common. SLIDE 38 The Little Gauss Problem In the context of the previous type of number puzzle, involving sums of consecutive positive whole numbers, it is instructive to learn the story of Karl Gustav Gauss, who may be rated the all-time no.1 mathematician. At the age of five, he was instructed by his school master to sum all the consecutive numbers from 1 to 100. He did it in less than a minute. How? SLIDE 39 The Little Gauss Problem At the age of five, he was instructed by his school master to sum all the consecutive numbers from 1 to 100. He did it in less than a minute. How? Solution Write the sum of the numbers from 1 to 100 in ascending order. Place under that the same sum in descending order. Add the terms column by column. You always get the same number, 101. There are 100 such numbers. Thus, twice the sum of the consecutive from 1 to 100 is . The sum is 5050. Remarks (1) If you wish to do well in the American SAT or develop deeper understanding for success in the British system, then learn this example by heart. (2) The proof of the formula for the sum of an arithmetic progression is simply an algebraic version of this argument. We introduce the proof at a higher level. SLIDE 40 Find the sum of the consecutive integers from 21 to 104 inclusive. SLIDE 41 Puzzle Find the sum of the consecutive integers from 21 to 104 inclusive. Solution This version of the Little Gauss Problem has been combined here with what we are calling The Traffic Cone Question There are six policemen standing between traffic cones along a street while a parade passes by. If each policeman is standing between two traffic cones, how many traffic cones are there? Solution to the Traffic Cone Question Let ?be a cone, and ?be a policeman ????????????? There are six policemen but seven traffic cones. In such questions there is one more boundary than there is box. In this question the number of consecutive integers is not but 84, because the numbers 21 and 104 are included. Then, as in the previous example, twice the sum is . The answer is half this number, 5,250. SLIDE 42 Find the sum of the even integers from 16 to 98 inclusive. SLIDE 43 Find the sum of the even integers from 16 to 98 inclusive. Solution We pair up the even numbers The sum of each pair is . There are 21 such pairs. (This is a “traffic cone” question as well. but we must add 1 more, as we include the boundaries as well.) Hence the sum is SLIDE 44 The number 24 is divided by a positive integer x. The remainder is 3. For how many different values of x is this true? SLIDE 45 The number 24 is divided by a positive integer x. The remainder is 3. For how many different values of x is this true? Solution This puzzle tests your knowledge of factors and division. Basically, you have to check all eligible numbers. We can eliminate all factors of 24, as their remainder is 0. These are the numbers, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 12. The only number above 12 with a remainder of 3 is 21. Count 1. The only solutions are 7, and 21. Answer: 2. Remark This kind of problem belongs to that branch of Number Theory known as the Theory of Linear Congruences. This theory was introduced by Gauss (!) in 1801 in the first chapter of his Disquisitiones Arithmeticae. SLIDE 46 25 tables have either 2 or 4 chairs. The total number of chairs is 86. How many tables have exactly 4 chairs? SLIDE 47 25 tables have either 2 or 4 chairs. The total number of chairs is 86. How many tables have exactly 4 chairs? Solution This kind of problem can be solved by trial and error. Just guess a number and try it, then improve the guess if you are wrong. For example, let us guess 15 tables with 4 chairs. Then there are 10 tables with 2 chairs, and chairs. So there must be more than 15 chairs. The problem can be solved by algebra. Let x be the number of tables with 4 chairs. Then the number of tables with 2 chairs is . The total number of chairs is 86, so The answer is 18. SLIDE 48 Number puzzles Find all the three-digit numbers such that the sum of the first (hundreds) and last (units) digit is equal to the square of the second (tens) digit. SLIDE 49 Find all the three-digit numbers such that the sum of the first (hundreds) and last (units) digit is equal to the square of the second (tens) digit. Solution The starting point is just to understand what the question is asking. Let a three-digit number be where a, b and c are digits. The condition in the question translates to . What we are being asked for is all the combinations that add up to a single digit square number. We cannot lead with a 0, as that would not define a three-digit number. The single-digit squares are 1, 4 and 9 giving respectively. The numbers are 110, 123, 138, 222, 237, 321, 336, 420, 435, 534, 633, 732, 831 and 930. SLIDE 50 Number puzzles Find all three-digit numbers that are the product of three consecutive even numbers SLIDE 51 Find all three-digit numbers that are the product of three consecutive even numbers Solution There is no equation that can be formed, as we do not know the number that is the product of the three numbers. We approach this through a combination of logic and trial and error. Now as the numbers are consecutive even numbers, then the largest of the numbers cannot be much bigger than 10, since which is too big. Try . This works and is the largest possibility. Hence, all we have to do is list the combinations of smaller numbers, and stop when we get to a two-digit number. There are three possibilities ? 8, 10, 12 ? 6, 8, 10 ? 2, 4, 6 SLIDE 52 Number puzzles with fractions x is of y, and y is of z, where . What fraction is x of z? SLIDE 53 x is of y, and y is of z, where . What fraction is x of z? Solution The information translates to and . This is just a “plugging in” question. SLIDE 54 Number puzzles with fractions . Which of the following is a possible value for a? A B C D E SLIDE 55 . Which of the following is a possible value for a? A B C D E Solution The answer is E because SLIDE 56 Revision - the arithmetic mean This is the same as the average. You add up all the values of the data points and divide by the number of data points. The arithmetical mean of 3 and 5 is . Number puzzles with the arithmetic mean 9 students took a quiz. Their mean score was 76. The mean score of five of these students was 80. What was the mean score of the other four students? SLIDE 57 9 students to a quiz. Their mean score was 76. The mean score of five of these students was 80. What was the mean score of the other four students? Solution The total score of the 9 students was The total score of the five with a mean of 80 was The total score of the other four was The mean score of the other four was SLIDE 58 Number puzzles with the arithmetic mean The arithmetical mean of 6 numbers lies greater than 40 and less than 45. Find all possible sums of the 6 numbers. SLIDE 59 The arithmetical mean of 6 numbers lies greater than 40 and less than 45. Find all possible sums of the 6 numbers. Solution Let be the arithmetical mean. The information translates to . Since these are inequalities, rather than exact inequalities, this translates to . For each value the corresponding sum of the 6 numbers is The possible sums are 246, 252, 258 and 264. SLIDE 59 Set notation A set or collection is shown by curly brackets. Example is the set or collection of numbers 1, 2, 3 or 4. Write the following using curly brackets ? The set of numbers ? The set of positive odd numbers less than 10 ? The set of square numbers less than or equal to 100 SLIDE 60 ? The set of numbers ? The set of positive odd numbers less than 10 ? The set of square numbers less than or equal to 100 SLIDE 61 In which of the following sets is the arithmetic mean less than the median? A B C D SLIDE 62 In which of the following sets is the arithmetic mean less than the median? A B C D The answer is B.