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Quadratic roots Workout 42 slides
Quadratics Library 18 questions
Once you have registered, you can work through the slides one by one. The workout comprises a series of sides that guide you systematically through the topic concept by concept, skill by skill. The slides may be used with or without the support of a tutor. The methodology is based on problem-solving that advances in logical succession by concept and difficulty. The student is presented with a problem or series of questions, and the next slide presents the fully-worked solution. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account. comprises a complete course in mathematics with resources that are comprehensive.



Showing American English version


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Showing American English version

QUESTION [difficulty 0.1]

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300: Algebraic manipulations
302: Quadratics
304: Surds



Consolidation of quadratic factorisation and roots 716.1
Harder quadratic factorisation with integer coefficients 716.9
Harder quadratic factorisation with surds as roots 717.6
Quadratics without integer factors 718.0
Relationship between factors and roots 718.2
Not all quadratic functions have roots 718.4
Vertical translation of the parabola 718.4
The form ax^2 + bx + c 718.6
The quadratic formula 718.8
Axis of symmetry of parabola at x = - b/2a 719.3
Volume problems leading to a quadratic 720.1
Tricky business of formula terms reused as variables 720.2


To make use of this chapter, please first register. Then you can work through the slides one by one.
What is provided here is the raw text of the workout. Most of the information is contained in the image files, which are not included with this text. The text may appear deceptively short. (The content overall of is vast.) Any in-line questions appear as a question mark [?]. This text is provided only as an indication of the overall quantity of material contained in the chapter. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account.
Quadratics SLIDE 1 Consolidation Factorise and find the roots of ? ? ? ? SLIDE 2 ? ? ? ? SLIDE 3 ? Sketch the graph of ? Summarise the properties of a quadratic curve SLIDE 4 ? ? A quadratic curve is a parabola. It is symmetric about a vertical axis of symmetry and has either a minimum or a maximum point. If it cuts the x-axis, then these points are the roots of the quadratic function. The parabola cuts the y¬-axis at an intercept. SLIDE 5 Sketch the graph of SLIDE 6 SLIDE 7 Example Exercise Factorise and find the roots of ? ? ? ? SLIDE 8 ? ? ? ? SLIDE 9 Example Factorise Solution We must look simultaneously at pairs of factors of both the and the units coefficients, which are 4 and 6 respective. We must consider every possible combination of these pairs of factors A middle x coefficient of is possible when We check this by multiplying out the proposed solution ? SLIDE 10 Factorise the following and find the roots ? ? ? ? SLIDE 11 ? ? ? ? SLIDE 12 Sketch the graph of SLIDE 13 SLIDE 14 Sketch the graph of SLIDE 15 Pairs of factors of 150 are We observe , so we expect the factors of 150 to be 5 and 30, with 7 multiplied by 5. SLIDE 16 Example Factorise Solution Check ? Exercise Factorise the following, check your answers, and find the roots ? ? ? ? SLIDE 17 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 18 It is given that ? Find the roots of this function as exact numbers and as decimal approximations to 2 decimal places. ? What kind of numbers are the exact roots? ? Find the minimum of the graph of . ? Sketch the graph of . SLIDE 19 ? Roots at ? These are irrational (or real) numbers. They are not exact fractions or integers. ? Axis of symmetry at At minimum SLIDE 20 Quadratics without integer factors cannot be factorised using integers Proof. The only possible factors of 1 are , but , so it is not possible to add or subtract these factors to obtain the coefficient of x, which is 1. Exercise Three of the following six quadratic functions cannot be factorised with integers. Identify which they are and factorise those that can be factorised. ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 21 ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 22 Relationship between factors and roots quadratic function factors roots Find the quadratic functions in the form that have the roots ? ? ? ? SLIDE 23 ? ? ? ? SLIDE 24 Not all quadratic functions have factors and roots The graph of is the standard parabola. The graph of is obtained from the graph of by a vertical translation of the parabola by +1. ? On the same diagram sketch the graphs of and . ? Use the sketch to explain why has no factors or roots. SLIDE 25 The graph of lies above the x-axis, and never crosses it. The roots correspond to those points on the x-axis where the parabola crosses it. Hence has no roots, and has no factors either. SLIDE 26 When a quadratic function is written , the coefficient of the term is a, the coefficient of the x term is b and the coefficient of the units is c. Complete the following table a b c 1 3 4 SLIDE 27 a b c 1 3 4 1 6 1 2 -5 -3 -1 7 SLIDE 28 The quadratic formula provides a method of finding roots of quadratic functions. If then the roots are given by We will prove this formula in a higher-level chapter. For now, we learn to use it. Example Find the roots of , giving your answer to 3 sf. Solution . Substituting into SLIDE 29 Quadratic formula If then the roots are given by Use the quadratic formula to find the roots of the following, giving your answers to 3 significant figures ? ? SLIDE 30 ? ? SLIDE 31 If then the roots are given by Use the quadratic formula to find the roots of the following, giving your answers to 3 significant figures ? ? SLIDE 32 ? ? SLIDE 33 If , then the axis of symmetry of the parabola is at . Find the axis of symmetry of the parabolas of the following quadratic functions ? ? ? ? SLIDE 34 ? Axis of symmetry at ? Axis of symmetry at ? Axis of symmetry at ? Axis of symmetry at SLIDE 35 Quadratic formula If then the roots are given by Axis of symmetry of a parabola If , then the axis of symmetry of the parabola is at . Use the quadratic formula to find the roots of , and sketch the curve. SLIDE 36 Axis of symmetry When SLIDE 37 is a quadratic. Write down from memory ? the quadratic formula for the roots of y, ? the equation of the axis of symmetry of the parabola defined by y. SLIDE 38 Quadratic formula If then the roots are given by Axis of symmetry of a parabola If , then the axis of symmetry of the parabola is at . SLIDE 39 Use the quadratic formula to find the roots of , and sketch the curve. SLIDE 40 Axis of symmetry When SLIDE 41 The volume of the sphere and the volume of the cone are equal. Form a quadratic equation and use the quadratic formula to find r, giving your answer to 2 decimal places. SLIDE 42 The volume of the sphere and the volume of the cone are equal. Form a quadratic equation and use the quadratic formula to find r, giving your answer to 2 decimal places. Solution The formulas for the volume of a sphere and a cone are It is a standard trick of examiners designed to expose any confusion in the student, to use in a question a variable that is the same letter as in a standard formula. So, we must change the variable r in the formulas to something else, such as R We substitute into the left-hand formula, and into the right-hand formula, while equating the volumes. A negative solution is not possible,