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Sine, cosine and tangent Workout 41 slides
Trigonometry Library 13 questions
Once you have registered, you can work through the slides one by one. The workout comprises a series of sides that guide you systematically through the topic concept by concept, skill by skill. The slides may be used with or without the support of a tutor. The methodology is based on problem-solving that advances in logical succession by concept and difficulty. The student is presented with a problem or series of questions, and the next slide presents the fully-worked solution. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account. comprises a complete course in mathematics with resources that are comprehensive.



Showing American English version


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Showing American English version

QUESTION [difficulty 0.1]

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300: Algebraic manipulations
308: Trigonometry
332: Further trigonometry



Opposite, adjacent, hypotenuse 738.4
Tangent, sine, cosine 738.7
Mnemonic 739.1
Calculator stored values 739.2
Calculator: degree mode 739.3
Solving an elementary trig equation to find a side 739.5
Trig equation where the unknown is in denominator 739.8
Theodolite problem 740.1
Sextant problem 740.3
Trigonometric functions 740.5
Greek letters / symbols for angles 740.7
Inverse trigonometric functions 741.0
Notation - British –1, American - arcsin, arccos, arctan 741.0
Inverse mappings for trig functions 741.1
Calculator: inverse trig functions 741.3
Inverse trig caculations to find angle 741.4
Volume applications of trigonometric functions 741.8
Space diagonal of cuboid 742.0


To make use of this chapter, please first register. Then you can work through the slides one by one.
What is provided here is the raw text of the workout. Most of the information is contained in the image files, which are not included with this text. The text may appear deceptively short. (The content overall of is vast.) Any in-line questions appear as a question mark [?]. This text is provided only as an indication of the overall quantity of material contained in the chapter. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account.
Trigonometry SLIDE 1 The two triangles above are similar triangles. ? What is the relationship between angles x and y? ? Complete the following The ratio in the first triangle is equal to …. in the second . SLIDE 2 If the two triangles are similar then ? ? SLIDE 3 When triangles are similar the ratio of their sides remains the same, regardless of the size. This holds for any triangle, hence, for right-angled triangles. If the angle is the same in a right-angled triangle, then the ratio of the sides is the same. Ratio of sides in a triangle has no dimension. The size of the triangle, and the units of measurement, do not change a ratio. SLIDE 4 In a right-angled triangle The side facing an angle is called the opposite. The side next to an angle is called the adjacent. The longest side, which is opposite the right-angle, is called the hypotenuse. We use any obvious abbreviation for these, such as hyp, h and H for hypotenuse, and so on. SLIDE 5 ? In the first triangle, what is (a) the length of the side opposite the angle ? (b) The ratio of the adjacent to the hypotenuse to the angle . ? In the second triangle, find the ratio of the opposite to the adjacent to the angles (a) and (b) , giving your answer to 2 sf. SLIDE 6 ? In the first triangle (a) The length of the side opposite the angle is 6.16 (b) The ratio of the adjacent to the hypotenuse to the angle is . ? In the second triangle, the ratio of the opposite to the adjacent to the angles (a) is (b) is The two ratios are reciprocals of each other. SLIDE 7 In a right-angled triangle, The tangent of an angle is the ratio of the lengths of the sides opposite to adjacent. The sine of an angle is the ratio of the lengths of the sides opposite to hypotenuse. The cosine of the angle is the ratio of the length of the sides adjacent to hypotenuse. These names are abbreviated to tan, sin and cos respectively. SLIDE 8 SLIDE 9 In this exercise, give your answers to 3 sf. Use a calculator only for division – do not use the sin, cos and tan buttons. ? In the first triangle, find the sin, cos and tan of the angle . ? In the second triangle, find the sin, cos and tan of the angle . SLIDE 10 ? In the first triangle ? In the second triangle SLIDE 11 Remembering the ratios A mnemonic is way that helps you remember something. People have devised various mnemonics for the trigonometric ratio. S O H C A H T O A Once upon a time, in the old days, when there were no calculators and we were still living in caves, there was a mathematics teacher who taught his students the following rhyme. See Old Harry Catch A Herring Trawling Off America SLIDE 12 Calculator stored values The usefulness of all of this is that we can work out the sine, cosine and tangent of an angle without measuring a single angle or length of a triangle. The mathematics involved in this is several levels above the level of this chapter, so we ask you to take this on trust. These values are stored in your calculator, which has buttons to find and display them. SLIDE 13 Note. It can be useful on a calculator to use brackets when making a calculation to prevent odd things from happening. Make sure that your calculator is in degree mode. (There are ways of measuring angles, other than degrees. The degree mode is usually shown by a symbol such as “D” in the display, and the mode button can be used to select “degree mode”.) Henceforth, we drop the symbol ° to indicate degrees, where this is obvious. All angles n this chapter are measured in degrees, so means . Use your calculator to find the following, giving your answers to 3 significant figures. ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 14 ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 15 Example Find the length R, giving your answer to 3 sf. Solution S O H C A H T O A R is opposite the angle , so we select sine SLIDE 16 In each case find the length of the side marked with a letter, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. ? ? ? ? SLIDE 17 ? ? ? ? SLIDE 18 Example Find the length T, giving your answer to 3 sf. Solution SLIDE 19 In each case find the length of the side marked with a letter, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. ? ? ? SLIDE 20 ? ? ? SLIDE 21 A surveyor wishes to find the height of a building which he knows to be 82.5 m away. He uses a theodolite to measure the angle between the top of the building and the horizontal plane, as shown in the diagram. Find the height of the building, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. SLIDE 22 A surveyor wishes to find the height of a building which he knows to be 82.5 m away. He uses a theodolite to measure the angle between the top of the building and the horizontal plane, as shown in the diagram. Find the height of the building, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. Solution SLIDE 21B A surveyor wishes to find the height of a building which he knows to be 82.5 yd away. He uses a theodolite to measure the angle between the top of the building and the horizontal plane, as shown in the diagram. Find the height of the building, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. SLIDE 22B A surveyor wishes to find the height of a building which he knows to be 82.5 yd away. He uses a theodolite to measure the angle between the top of the building and the horizontal plane, as shown in the diagram. Find the height of the building, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. Solution SLIDE 23 The captain of a ship wishes to know how far away his ship is from a lighthouse situated near some rocks. The lighthouse is known to be 25.8 m high. He uses a sextant to measure the angle between the top of the lighthouse and the horizontal and finds it to be 0.45°. Find the distance of the ship from the lighthouse, giving your answer in km to 3 significant figures. SLIDE 24 The captain of a ship wishes to know how far away his ship is from a lighthouse situated near some rocks. The lighthouse is known to be 25.8 m high. He uses a sextant to measure the angle between the top of the lighthouse and the horizontal and finds it to be 0.45°. Find the distance of the ship from the lighthouse, giving your answer in km to 3 significant figures. Solution SLIDE 23B The captain of a ship wishes to know how far away his ship is from a lighthouse situated near some rocks. The lighthouse is known to be 25.8 yd high. He uses a sextant to measure the angle between the top of the lighthouse and the horizontal and finds it to be 0.45°. Find the distance of the ship from the lighthouse, giving your answer in miles to 3 significant figures. SLIDE 24B The captain of a ship wishes to know how far away his ship is from a lighthouse situated near some rocks. The lighthouse is known to be 25.8 yd high. He uses a sextant to measure the angle between the top of the lighthouse and the horizontal and finds it to be 0.45°. Find the distance of the ship from the lighthouse, giving your answer in miles to 3 significant figures. Solution SLIDE 25 The trigonometric ratios are the same for any given angle. Trigonometric ratios define trigonometric functions. For example, Complete the following ratio function graph mapping SLIDE 26 ratio function graph mapping SLIDE 27 Greek letters In algebra we may use any letters to represent variables. Angles are often measured with the “favourite” letters, x, y and z, so we see , and and so on, where the letters stand for angles. Mathematicians often like to use the Greek alphabet for letters, and they often use them when measuring angles. Thus, we see expressions like SLIDE 28 Some Greek letters Greek letter English equivalent Pronounced a alpha b beta g gamma d delta th theta p pi r rho SLIDE 29 Trigonometric functions The trigonometric functions are mappings from angles to ratios. is a mapping from an angle to the ratio in any right-angled triangle with angle . SLIDE 30 Inverse trigonometric functions For angles between 0 and 90° the trigonometric functions all have inverses. These inverse functions are mappings from a ratio to the angle. The inverse of a function is denoted . This is read “f inverse”. It is not read “f to the minus one”. The inverse of is . It is read, “inverse sine”. It is not read “sin to the minus one”. Note. In the USA inverse sine, , is written , which is pronounced arcsine. British English US English SLIDE 30B Inverse trigonometric functions For angles between 0 and 90° the trigonometric functions all have inverses. These inverse functions are mappings from a ratio to the angle. The inverse of a function is denoted . This is read “f inverse”. It is not read “f to the minus one”. In the USA inverse sine is written , which is pronounced arcsine. In Britain , and on calculators, the inverse of is . It is read, “inverse sine”. It is not read “sin to the minus one”. US English British English SLIDE 31 Complete the following inverse function graph mapping function graph mapping function graph mapping SLIDE 31B Complete the following inverse function graph mapping function graph mapping function graph mapping SLIDE 32 inverse function graph mapping function graph mapping function graph mapping SLIDE 32B inverse function graph mapping function graph mapping function graph mapping SLIDE 33 Calculators have buttons for finding the inverse trigonometric functions. These are usually used by pressing the shift key, with expressions for the inverses put above the buttons for sine, cosine and tangent. Give the angles to 0.1 of a degree. Use the calculator to find ? ? ? Note. The sine and cosine of any angle is a number between and +1. The tangent may be any number. SLIDE 33B Calculators have buttons for finding the inverse trigonometric functions. These are usually used by pressing the shift key, with expressions for the inverses put above the buttons for sine, cosine and tangent. Give the angles to 0.1 of a degree. Use the calculator to find ? ? ? Note. The sine and cosine of any angle is a number between and +1. The tangent may be any number. SLIDE 34 ? ? ? SLIDE 34B ? ? ? SLIDE 35 Example Find the angle x, giving your answer to 0.1°. Solution SLIDE 35B Example Find the angle x, giving your answer to 0.1°. Solution SLIDE 36 In each case find the angle to 0.1°. ? ? ? SLIDE 37 ? ? ? SLIDE 37B ? ? ? SLIDE 38 A square pyramid has base 8 cm and height 10.5 cm. Find the angle marked in the diagram. SLIDE 38B A square pyramid has base 8 in and height 10.5 in. Find the angle marked in the diagram. SLIDE 39 This is a two-step problem. We can find the angle in the triangle AEF provided we know the length of x. In the square ABCD, we have By Pythagoras, SLIDE 39B This is a two-step problem. We can find the angle in the triangle AEF provided we know the length of x. In the square ABCD, we have By Pythagoras, SLIDE 40 The diagram shows a cuboid. The dimensions of the cuboid are given by , and . Find the length of the space diagonal x and the angle . SLIDE 40B The diagram shows a cuboid. The dimensions of the cuboid are given by , and . Find the length of the space diagonal x and the angle . SLIDE 41 SLIDE 41B