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Further trigonometry

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Sine and cosine formulas Workout 65 slides
Sine and cosine formulas Library 16 questions
Once you have registered, you can work through the slides one by one. The workout comprises a series of sides that guide you systematically through the topic concept by concept, skill by skill. The slides may be used with or without the support of a tutor. The methodology is based on problem-solving that advances in logical succession by concept and difficulty. The student is presented with a problem or series of questions, and the next slide presents the fully-worked solution. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account. comprises a complete course in mathematics with resources that are comprehensive.



Showing American English version


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QUESTION [difficulty 0.5]

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308: Trigonometry
332: Further trigonometry
344: Arcs, sectors and segments
352: Trigonometric functions
767: The trapezium method



Consolidation - trigonometry and Pythagoras 802.1
Cartesian and polar forms (implicit) 802.3
Square of a trigonometric function 802.5
Calculator: evaluating trigonometric expressions 802.7
sin squared + cos squared = 1 802.9
tan = sin / cos 802.9
Triangle, altitude and two right-triangle problem 802.9
Labelling of angles and sides in a general triangle 803.5
The sine rule 803.9
Problem of defning the sine of an obtuse angle 804.6
Concept stretching 804.7
Defining the sine of an obtuse angle 804.7
Quadrant diagram 804.8
Relationship between sine, cosine, height, base 804.9
Angle circle measure 805.0
Angle and quadrant 805.1
Definition of the sine of an angle in any quadrant 805.2
Sign (+, –) of sine in any quadrant 805.3
Definition and sign of cosine in any quadrant 805.4
Definition and sign of tangent in any quadrant 805.6
CAST diagram 805.9
Using inverse sine to find an obtuse angle 806.0
Sine rule in a triangle with an obtuse angle 806.2
Proof of the sine rule 806.4
Sine rule for the area of a triangle 806.6
Sine rule and area problems 806.7
Cosine formula 807.1
Finding unknown length using cosine formula 807.2
Multi-step sine / cosine triangle problem 807.4
Algebra problem in sine / cosine triangle problem 807.6
Making cos A the subject of the cosine formula 807.8
Cyclic permuation of symbols in the cosine formula 807.8
Find angle problem using the cosine formula 808.0
Cuboid / hillside problem 808.2
Proof of the cosine formula 808.4


To make use of this chapter, please first register. Then you can work through the slides one by one.
What is provided here is the raw text of the workout. Most of the information is contained in the image files, which are not included with this text. The text may appear deceptively short. (The content overall of is vast.) Any in-line questions appear as a question mark [?]. This text is provided only as an indication of the overall quantity of material contained in the chapter. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account.
Sine and cosine formulas SLIDE 1 Revision – trigonometry and Pythagoras Find ? The angle ? The perimeter of the quadrilateral ABCD SLIDE 2 ? ? SLIDE 3 Find ? x and y in terms of r and ? r and in terms of x and y SLIDE 4 ? ? SLIDE 4B ? ? SLIDE 5 The expression means In words, “sine squared x is the same as sine x all squared”. Evaluate ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 6 ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 7 Evaluate ? ? ? ? SLIDE 8 ? ? ? ? SLIDE 9 Prove ? ? SLIDE 10 Prove ? To prove ? To prove SLIDE 11 In the figure , and the altitude of the triangle ABC is h. Find h, a and c, giving your answers to 3 significant figures. SLIDE 12 SLIDE13 Find h, x, y, a and the angle . SLIDE 14 To find h, x, y, a and the angle . Solution SLIDE 14B To find h, x, y, a and the angle . Solution SLIDE 15 For a triangle ABC it is customary to label angles and sides in the manner shown in the figure. The side opposite the point A is labelled a. The angle at A is named after the point A and labelled A. SLIDE 16 Add labels to the angles and sides of the following. ? ? SLIDE 17 ? ? SLIDE 18 It is customary not to mark the angles into the diagram, to avoid a cluttered diagram. If we write then we mean . SLIDE 19 The sine rule The sine rule is In any given triangle, the ratio of the sine of the angle to the length of the side opposite that angle is constant. Observations ? It is usual to use the sine rule involving just one pair of angles and sides at a time. For example, ? By cross multiplication, we can flip and rearrange the rule. SLIDE 20 Use the sine rule to find the lengths of a and c. SLIDE 21 The angle A is SLIDE 22 Find the length PQ and the angles Q and R. SLIDE 23 SLIDE 24 ? Find and ? Find and ? What do you observe in both cases? SLIDE 25 ? ? ? and SLIDE 26 ? What is the definition of in the above right-angled triangle? ? An obtuse angle x is such that . Why can there be no obtuse angle in any right-angled triangle? ? If x is an obtuse angle, can there be a SLIDE 27 Concept stretching ? ? An obtuse angle x is such that . No right-angled triangle can have an obtuse angle. This is because the angle sum of a triangle is . Since a right-angle is the other two angles in the triangle must add to , so neither of them can be greater than (obtuse). ? If x is an obtuse angle, can there be a By the above definition of the sine of an angle and given that there cannot be a right-angled triangle with an obtuse angle, then it appears that there cannot be a sine of an obtuse angle. Exception. We can stretch the concept by defining the sine of the obtuse angle. The definition must be consistent with the existing definition for a right-angle triangle. SLIDE 28 We inscribe a right-angled triangle within a circle of radius 1. Question What is the relationship between the sine and cosine of an angle and the height and base of a right-angle triangle? SLIDE 29 The sine of an angle is the same as the height of a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse 1. The cosine of an angle is the same as the base of a right-angled triangle with hypotenuse 1. SLIDE 30 In navigation angles are measured clockwise from the direction pointing North. This kind of angle is called a bearing. In geometry and mathematics angles are measured anti-clockwise from the direction pointing along the positive x-axis. This kind of angle is called an angle or circle measure. SLIDE 31 The xy¬-plane (the coordinate plane) is divided into four quadrants. SLIDE 32 The sine of an obtuse angle is the same as the “height” of the right-angled triangle with unit hypotenuse drawn in the second quadrant. In this quadrant is positive. The sine of a reflect angle is the same as the “height” of the right-angled triangle with unit hypotenuse drawn in the third or fourth quadrants. In this quadrant as the “height” is pointing downwards below the x-axis, is negative. SLIDE 33 Second quadrant Third quadrant Fourth quadrant SLIDE 34 Repeat the analysis for the cosine of an obtuse and reflex angle, stating the sign of this angle in the second, third and fourth quadrants. SLIDE 35 Second quadrant Third quadrant Fourth quadrant SLIDE 36 tangent of an angle Second quadrant Third quadrant Fourth quadrant SLIDE 37 ? Identify the quadrants where each of , and are positive. ? In how many quadrants are all three of , and positive? SLIDE 38 ? is positive in the first and second quadrants. is positive in the first and fourth quadrants. is positive in the first and third quadrants. ? , and are only all positive in the first quadrant. SLIDE 39 Quadrants in which the given trigonometric ratios take a positive value. The first letters of the sequence, Cosine, All, Sine, Tangent spell the word CAST. SLIDE 40 It is given that . Find the angle x. SLIDE 41 It is given that . Find the angle x. Solution SLIDE 41B It is given that . Find the angle x. Solution SLIDE 42 Find the length XZ and the angles Y and Z. SLIDE 43 As the angle is bigger than , we subtract from . SLIDE 43B As the angle is bigger than , we subtract from . SLIDE 44 Proof of the sine rule ? Find an expression for h in the triangle ACX involving b and . ? Find an expression for h in the triangle BCX involving a and . ? By eliminating h from the two expressions found above, prove the sine rule. SLIDE 45 Proof of the sine rule In the triangle ACX, . In the triangle BCX, Hence, SLIDE 46 Sine rule for the area of a triangle The area of a triangle is where is the angle included between two sides of the triangle. SLIDE 47 Find the area of the above triangle, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. SLIDE 48 SLIDE 49 Find the area of the triangle, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. SLIDE 50 SLIDE 51 Cosine formula ? We have written , because of the small c representing a length in . ? Comparing this with Pythagoras’s theorem, , we see that the cosine formula is the generalised theorem of Pythagoras as applied to any triangle. Recall that Pythagoras’s theorem is only valid for a right-angle triangle. In the cosine formula, we extend the theorem to any triangle, by subtracting a “correction factor” of . ? The cosine formula is also known as the cosine rule. SLIDE 52 Find the length a for the above triangle, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. SLIDE 53 As this is the first time we are substituting into the cosine formula, we add in the standard labels. SLIDE 54 The area of the triangle ABC is . Find the length AD giving your answer to 1 decimal place. SLIDE 55 The task is the find the length . To find this we will use the sine rule in the triangle ADC, but first require the missing angle and the side . Substituting into the cosine formula SLIDE 56 The area of the triangle is 10 square units. Given that , find the value of x, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. SLIDE 57 The area of the triangle is 10 square units. Given that , find the value of x, giving your answer to 3 significant figures. Solution Negative solution is not possible. SLIDE 58 The cosine formula is ? Rearrange this equation to make the subject. ? Cyclically permute the symbols according to the rule SLIDE 59 ? ? SLIDE 60 Find the angle x. SLIDE 61 Find the angle x. Method 1 By substituting directly into the cosine formula and then solve Method 2 By substituting into The two processes are essentially the same, and the choice between them is a matter of personal preference. SLIDE 61B Find the angle x. Method 1 By substituting directly into the cosine formula and then solve Method 2 By substituting into The two processes are essentially the same, and the choice between them is a matter of personal preference. SLIDE 62 The diagram shows a cuboid. . P and Q are the midpoints of EF and EH respectively. Find ? the length AR ? the angle SLIDE 63 . P and Q are the midpoints of EF and EH respectively. To find ? the length AR, ? the angle . Solution SLIDE 63B . P and Q are the midpoints of EF and EH respectively. To find ? the length AR, ? the angle . Solution SLIDE 64 Proof of the cosine formula ? In the triangle ADC, use Pythagoras’s theorem to find an equation relating x, b and h. ? Find an equation relating y, a and h. ? Find an expression for in terms of x and y. ? Given eliminate y form the expression you have found in part ?. ? Use trigonometry in triangle ADC to express x in terms of b and the angle A. ? By substituting for x derive the cosine formula. SLIDE 65 Proof of the cosine formula