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Functions, inverse and composition Workout 45 slides
Functions Library 17 questions
Once you have registered, you can work through the slides one by one. The workout comprises a series of sides that guide you systematically through the topic concept by concept, skill by skill. The slides may be used with or without the support of a tutor. The methodology is based on problem-solving that advances in logical succession by concept and difficulty. The student is presented with a problem or series of questions, and the next slide presents the fully-worked solution. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account. comprises a complete course in mathematics with resources that are comprehensive.



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QUESTION [difficulty 0.1]

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300: Algebraic manipulations
310: Functions
316: Polynomial functions



Inverse of a function 732.3
Inverse function notation 732.3
Identity of functions independent of variable used 732.4
Transposing to find the inverse of a function 732.8
Switching the variable in the inverse function problem 732.8
Problems on simple number machines 733.1
Inverse of the function f(x) = (ax + b) / (cx +d) 733.9
Composition of functions, chain 734.1
Composing functions, fg(x) = f(g(x)) 734.4
Identity function f(x) = x 734.7
Inverse the inverse of a function, ff^(–1) = 1 734.8
Simplying with rule ff^(–1) = 1 734.9
Product of functions 735.1
Distinction between products and chains 735.1
Resolution of ambiguity in the symbol fg 735.1
Composition of functions is not order invariant 735.2
Commutative operation 735.4


To make use of this chapter, please first register. Then you can work through the slides one by one.
What is provided here is the raw text of the workout. Most of the information is contained in the image files, which are not included with this text. The text may appear deceptively short. (The content overall of is vast.) Any in-line questions appear as a question mark [?]. This text is provided only as an indication of the overall quantity of material contained in the chapter. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account.
Functions SLIDE 1 Functions A function is a process that takes an input number and produces an output number. A function may be thought of as a machine for computing an output for a given input. Some functions are represented by a simple number machine. The input is also called the argument and the output is called the value for the given argument. A function may also be represented by a rule. The rule for the above number machine is ? Find the value of the above function for and . ? Find and SLIDE 2 ? When the input is , the output is . When the input is , the output is ? SLIDE 3 The inverse of a function For functions that can be represented by a simple number machine, the inverse function may be represented by reversing the arrows in the machine diagram. Above is the simple number machine of the function . By reversing the arrows, the inverse of has the simple number machine The inverse of a function is written . This is said, “f inverse”, and not “f to the minus 1”. The inverse of this function is . ? For , find ? State the difference, if there is any, between the following (a) and (b) and (c) and SLIDE 4 ? ? (a) and The only difference is in the choice of letter to represent the input. But the rule is the same. In other words, these are the same function. (b) and (c) and The same point applies to both the above cases. The only difference is in the choice of letter to represent the input. But the rule is the same. In both cases, the same function is represented. SLIDE 5 This should be identity of functions – spelling error corrected here. CHECK THE SLIDE Identity of functions Two functions are identical if they have the same rule. In other words, the choice of letters to represent both the function and the variable make no difference to the function. For example, , and are all one and the same function. SLIDE 6 There are four pairs of identical functions in the following list. Find all the pairs, and the two functions that are not identical. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 7 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 8 Example A function is defined by . Make x the subject of and hence find the inverse of . Solution Notes to this solution In the last step we replace the variable y by the original variable x. This is a standard device required in most examinations to demonstrate understanding that the two functions and are one and the same function. The same result can be obtained by switching the variables at the beginning and writing as the line after . SLIDE 9 Find the inverse ? ? SLIDE 10 ? ? SLIDE 11 When the two inputs are equal, show that the difference between the outputs is always 14. SLIDE 12 When the two inputs are equal, show that the difference between the outputs is always 14. Solution Machine 1 Machine 2 Difference of outputs is SLIDE 13 When the two outputs are equal, show that the second input is always larger than the first input. SLIDE 14 When the two outputs are equal, show that the second input is always larger than the first input. Solution Since we require the outputs to be equal, we must first invert both machines. Machine Rule Rule for inverse 1 2 Equating , the difference of inputs is SLIDE 15 Fill in the missing entries function graph mapping SLIDE 16 function graph mapping SLIDE 17 Revision Transpose for x. SLIDE 18 SLIDE 19 Find the inverse of ? ? SLIDE 20 ? ? SLIDE 21 Composition of functions g and f are two machines: and . By making the output of g into the input of f, we create a new machine, which is g followed by f. The new function g followed by f is written . Note that the order of the functions f and g in is the reverse of the letters f and g in “g followed by f”. The rule for , from the mapping diagram, is . SLIDE 22 ? Find ? What is ? ? Find ? Find and simplify SLIDE 23 ? ? ? ? SLIDE 24 Composing functions This is read, “ of x is f of g of x”. This is the same as g followed by f applied to x. Example If and , find . Solution Remark When composing functions according to the rule , we work from the inside to the outside. That is, we begin by substituting into and then apply f to that value. If then . SLIDE 25 Find ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 26 ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 27 The identify function is The identity function makes no change to the input. It leaves the input identical to itself. The identity function is sometimes written 1 or e. SLIDE 28 Inverse of an inverse The composition of any function with its inverse is the identity function. Example Simplify Solution SLIDE 29 Simplify ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 30 ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 31 Find in terms of x SLIDE 32 Find in terms of x Solution Machine 1 Machine 2 SLIDE 33 What is the value of ? SLIDE 34 What is the value of ? Solution SLIDE 35 If what is x? SLIDE 36 If what is x? Solution SLIDE 37 g h 2 17 3 j j k In the table above, if find k SLIDE 38 g h 2 17 3 j j k In the table above, if find k Solution SLIDE 39 f and g are functions such that and ? Find ? Find SLIDE 40 f and g are functions such that and ? ? SLIDE 41 Products and chains Suppose and . ? The composition of g followed by f is The composition of two functions is also called a chain. ? The product of f and g is Ambiguity The symbol is potentially ambiguous because it could indicate either of two different processes. It could indicate a composition of functions or a chain of functions. Strictly, the symbol indicates a composite (chain) of functions. When a product is required, the symbol is used. However, occasionally, and even in exam papers, the symbol is used when a product is intended. The context makes it clear which is meant. Where one wishes to be clear that a composition (chain) is mean the symbol is used: is an alternative to . Note, it is not advisable it use the symbol for a product of functions, because at a higher level it is used it indicate something else. SLIDE 42 Let and . ? Find and . ? Find and ? What do you observe in the second case that you do not find in the first? SLIDE 43 missing space before f(x) corrected CHECK SLIDE Let and . ? Composition (chain) ? Product ? We observe that . The order in which we multiply functions together makes no difference to the outcome. This is because the order in which we multiply numbers makes no difference to the product. However, here . The order in which we compose functions in general makes a difference to the outcome: g followed by f is not in general the same as f followed by g. Note. Sometimes it may happen that . SLIDE 44 An operation is commutative if the order in which the two of these operations produces the same output. Which of the following operations is commutative? ? Product (multiplication)of numbers ? Sum (addition) of numbers ? Product (multiplication) of functions ? Composition (chain) of functions SLIDE 45 ? Product (multiplication)of numbers is commutative Example ? Sum (addition) of numbers is commutative Example ? Product (multiplication) of functions is commutative Example ? Composition (chain) of functions is not commutative Example