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Polynomial functions

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Polynomials and graphs of polynomials Workout 66 slides
Polynomial functions Library 17 questions
Once you have registered, you can work through the slides one by one. The workout comprises a series of sides that guide you systematically through the topic concept by concept, skill by skill. The slides may be used with or without the support of a tutor. The methodology is based on problem-solving that advances in logical succession by concept and difficulty. The student is presented with a problem or series of questions, and the next slide presents the fully-worked solution. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account. comprises a complete course in mathematics with resources that are comprehensive.



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QUESTION [difficulty 0.1]

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304: Surds
310: Functions
316: Polynomial functions
318: Algebraic products
320: Finding roots



Reading graphs of functions 750.1
Intercept on the y-axis of any function 750.3
Consolidation of rectangular hyperbola 750.8
Sketching hyperbolas in general 751.2
Consolidation of continuous and smooth curve 751.6
Everywhere continuous and smooth curves 751.9
Continuous but not smooth curves 751.9
Curves not continuous at points 751.9
Tangent as a linear function of form f(x) = mx + c 752.0
Turning points 752.3
Maximum, minimum, point of inflection 752.3
Local min, local max, locality of turning point 752.4
Roots (zeros) and factors, α root - (x – α) factor 752.7
Polynomial expressions and terms 753.0
Expressions that are not polynomials 753.0
Radicals 753.0
Rational expressions 753.0
Transcendental expressions 753.0
Polynomial function 753.3
Degree of a polynomial 753.6
Names of polynomials: constant, linear, quadratic, cubic 753.9
Quartic, quintic 753.9
Degree of polynomial and max no. of turning points 754.2
Properties of graphs of polynomial functions 754.2
Alternating max, min (excepting inflections) 754.2
Sketching polynomial functions 754.5
Factors to roots property and sketching polynomials 754.8
Problem on intervals containing vertices 755.3
Graph of y = x^3, multiple roots at point of inflection 756.2
Consolidation - reflection symmetry and factor(s) 756.4


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What is provided here is the raw text of the workout. Most of the information is contained in the image files, which are not included with this text. The text may appear deceptively short. (The content overall of is vast.) Any in-line questions appear as a question mark [?]. This text is provided only as an indication of the overall quantity of material contained in the chapter. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account.
Graphs of polynomials SLIDE 1 The graph of is shown above in the xy-plane. Find ? ? ? ? SLIDE 2 ? ? ? ? SLIDE 3 Intercept on the y-axis The graph of is shown above in the xy-plane. When we have . That is, , where k is a constant. (Any letter may be used.) SLIDE 4 Find the intercept on the y-axis of the following functions. For each, state also the coordinate of the intercept. ? ? ? ? SLIDE 5 ? ? ? ? SLIDE 6 The diagram shows the graph of . The graph crosses the y-axis at . ? Find the value of k. ? How does k vary has x changes? ? What is the name that we give to k? SLIDE 7 ? ? k does not vary with x. k is a constant. ? k is called the intercept on the y-axis. SLIDE 8 The graph of is shown above. The curve corresponding to the function is a hyperbola (rectangular hyperbola). What value, if any, does take when . Does have a y-intercept? SLIDE 9 Singularity When , is undefined because we cannot divide by zero. This is shown in the graph by a vertical asymptote – the curve gets closer and closer to the y-axis, without ever touching it. A value where a function is undefined is called a singularity. The graph of has also a horizontal asymptote. As x gets larger and larger, the value of gets smaller and smaller, without every becoming zero. The hyperbola gets closer and closer to the x-axis without ever touching it. The x-axis is an asymptote. The function does not have a y-intercept. SLIDE 10 The graph of is shown in the xy-plane. What are the equations of the ? vertical and ? horizontal asymptotes? SLIDE 11 ? The vertical asymptote is the y-axis, with equation ? The horizontal asymptote is the x-axis, with equation SLIDE 12 For each of the following (a) find any singularities, (b) state the equation of any vertical asymptotes. ? ? ? ? SLIDE 13 ? ? ? Adding 2 to just shifts the whole graph up by 2. It does not change the position of the vertical asymptote. ? This is an equation of a straight line and can be defined for all values of x. It has no singularities. SLIDE 14 I. For all functions the y-intercept is defined to be the value of . II. Provided , the y-intercept of the function is the value . III. In the equation of the straight-line, , a is the gradient and b is the intercept on the y-axis. Which of the above are true? A I only B III only C I and III only D II and III only E I, II and III SLIDE 15 I. For all functions the y-intercept is defined to be the value of ? This statement is false. For example, the hyperbola is undefined for II. Provided , the y-intercept of the function is the value ? true III. In the equation of the straight-line, , a is the gradient and b is the intercept on the y-axis ? true Solution D II and III only SLIDE 16 continuous continuous not continuous and smooth not smooth not smooth A curve is continuous if it can be drawn without lifting the “pencil” from the paper. A continuous curve is smooth if it has no sharp points in it. A curve with gaps in it is neither continuous nor smooth. Note. Lines are also regarded as curves. (All lines are curves, not all curves are lines.) SLIDE 17 Classify the above curves as either (a) continuous and smooth, or (b) continuous but not smooth, or (c) neither continuous nor smooth. SLIDE 18 ? Continuous, not smooth ? Continuous and smooth ? Neither continuous nor smooth ? Continuous and smooth ? Continuous, not smooth ? Continuous and smooth SLIDE 19 everywhere continuous continuous continuous and smooth and smooth and smooth except at the except at the points highlighted the gaps Observation Many curves that are not everywhere smooth and continuous are made up of “small pieces” that are smooth and continuous. They have single, isolated points or gaps where they cease to be either smooth or continuous, or both. Advanced There exist curves that are nowhere continuous. SLIDE 20 Tangent tangent well-defined at P no tangent at Q A tangent at a point is the line that just touches the curve at that point. If a curve is continuous and smooth at a point, then it has a well-defined tangent at that point. A tangent is a line, so has an equation of the form where m is the gradient and c is the intercept on the y axis. A tangent is a linear function of the form . SLIDE 21 The diagram shows the graph of a function. Using a graphical method, find the equation of the tangent to the curve when giving your coefficients to a suitable degree of accuracy. SLIDE 22 The gradient is . The intercept is . Substituting into , the equation of the tangent is . The method is clearly not exact. The accuracy is limited by the accuracy of the fitting of the tangent to the curve. A suitable degree of accuracy is 2 significant figures, not more. SLIDE 23 Turning points The diagram shows the graph of a function . Points where the gradient of the tangent to a curve is 0 are called turning points. Since tangents are lines, they have equations . When the gradient is 0, we have , and equation . There are three kinds of turning points: a minimum, a maximum and a point of inflection. Minimum and maximum are abbreviated by min and max. SLIDE 24 Local min, local max Strictly, a minimum is a local minimum because elsewhere the value of may be less than at the minimum; there may also be more than one minimum, if a curve has many turning points. They are local because it is only in the region around the turning point that the minimum or maximum is found. Generally, it is always understood that turning points occur locally, so the expression “local” is dropped. Just as we call a rectangular hyperbola just a “hyperbola”, so we call a local minimum a “minimum”. SLIDE 25 -5 -8 -4 -6 -3 -4 -2 -2 -1 0 0 2 1 4 2 6 3 8 4 10 5 12 The complete graph of a function and a table of values for a second function is shown above. The maximum value of is k and the minimum value is j. What is the value of ? SLIDE 26 -5 -8 -4 -6 -3 -4 -2 -2 -1 0 0 2 1 4 2 6 3 8 4 10 5 12 The maximum of lies at , and . The minimum of lies at , and . SLIDE 27 Roots, factors The function cuts the x-axis where , and (only). The roots of are . The factors of are , and . The argument of a function such that is called a root of the function. Any root of a function corresponds to a factor of the function, . Another name for a root is a zero. The zeros of a function are the values of x that make . SLIDE 28 Factorise the quadratic function . Find the factors and roots of . Find the coordinates of the minimum of , and the y-intercept. Sketch the graph of . SLIDE 29 . The factors are and . The roots are and . The axis of symmetry is at . The minimum value is . The minimum is . The y-intercept is . SLIDE 30 Polynomials A polynomial is any finite expression that involves only positive integer powers of a variable, such as x. Examples The individual terms of polynomials are called polynomial terms. For example, . Advanced Expressions involving a root symbol (if it cannot be eliminated) are not polynomials. For example, . These are called radicals. Expressions involving a negative index are not polynomials. For example, . These are called rational expressions. Expressions involving a trigonometric expression (if it cannot be eliminated) are not polynomials. Examples, . These are transcendental expressions. SLIDE 31 Classify the following as polynomials or not polynomials. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 32 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 33 A polynomial function is a function that equates to a finite polynomial. Examples Any function that does not equate to a finite polynomial is not a polynomial function. SLIDE 34 Classify the following as polynomials functions or not polynomial functions. ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 35 ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 36 Degree of a polynomial The degree of a polynomial (expression or function) is the highest positive number in the exponent (index). The degree of is 3, because the highest power of x is in , which is 3. It is usual to write polynomial expressions or functions in descending powers. But this is not necessary. is a polynomial function of degree 3. SLIDE 37 What is the degree of each of the following? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 38 ? ? ? ? SLIDE 39 Names of polynomial functions Polynomial functions are named after their degree. In the table that follows a, b, c, d and k are constants, meaning, just numbers. Polynomial function Example Degree Name 0 constant 1 linear 2 quadratic 3 cubic degree 4 ? quartics degree 5 ? quintics SLIDE 40 Name the following polynomial functions ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 41 ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 42 Properties of polynomial functions All polynomial functions ? define continuous and smooth curves ? have at most one less turning point than degree Example The cubic polynomial has degree 3. Therefore, it has at most 2 turning points. Note. Polynomial functions can have no turning points. ? If the graph has more than one turning point, then max and min alternate (one is followed by the other). Exception. A max or min can be followed by a number of points of inflection. SLIDE 43 Which of the following could be the graph of a polynomial function? SLIDE 44 ? Cannot be a polynomial function. Not smooth. ? Could be a polynomial function. ? Cannot be a polynomial function. Not continuous ? Could be a polynomial function. ? Cannot be a polynomial function. Not continuous. Min followed by min. ? Could be a (linear) polynomial function. (A straight line.) SLIDE 45 Example Given that , sketch the cubic function that has zeros at . Solution As the function is cubic (degree 3), it has at most 2 turning points. As , it must pass through the point . As it has zeros (roots) at , it must cross the x-axis at , and . Therefore, a max must lie in the interval , and a min must lie in the interval . This information enables us to sketch the curve. ** SLIDE 46 Given that , sketch the cubic function that has zeros at . SLIDE 47 Given that , sketch the cubic function that has zeros at . Solution As the function is cubic (degree 3), it has at most 2 turning points. As , it must pass through the point . As it has zeros (roots) at , it must cross the x-axis at , and . Therefore, a max must lie in the interval , and a min must lie in the interval . SLIDE 48 From factors to roots (zeros) Sketch the graph of the cubic function Solution As , when we have either So, the roots (zeros) lie at . We need to know one more point through which passes. We test a point. For , . So, passes through the point . SLIDE 49 Sketch the graph of the cubic function SLIDE 50 Sketch the graph of the cubic function Solution So, the roots (zeros) lie at . We need to know one more point through which passes; for example, whether lies below or above the x-axis when . We test a point. For , . So, passes through the point , which is its y-intercept. SLIDE 51 Sketch the graph of the cubic function SLIDE 52 Sketch the graph of the cubic function Solution In the factor is the reverse of . Hence, also, , so we expect the graph of to start above the x-axis, not below it, as in the previous examples. The process of finding roots and testing a point are the same as before. So, the roots (zeros) lie at . For , . So, passes through the point . SLIDE 53 The graph of the function is a parabola in the xy-plane. Which of the following intervals contains the x-coordinate of the vertex of the graph of ? A B C D E SLIDE 54 is a parabola in the xy-plane. The zeros are at and the y-intercept is at . Though we do not need to know it to answer the question, the parabola has axis of symmetry at . It has a minimum in the interval , so the answer is B. SLIDE 55 A cubic function is defined by Which of the following intervals contains the x-coordinate of the minimum of the graph of ? A B C D E SLIDE 56 has roots (zeros) at . Since the intercept of on the y-axis is . The minimum lies in the interval . The answer is C. SLIDE 57 A function is defined by where a, b, c and d are constants. The function has roots and 4. Which of the following are factors of ? More than one answer is possible. none of these SLIDE 58 A function is defined by where a, b, c and d are constants. The function has roots and 4. Find the factors. Solution The factors of a function correspond to the roots This is because the root is the solution the equation Hence, in this question root factor SLIDE 59 A function is defined by where a, b, c and d are constants. The function has roots and 2. Write as a product of its factors. SLIDE 60 A function is defined by where a, b, c and d are constants. The function has roots and 2. Write as a product of its factors. (Do not attempt to find a, b, c and d.) Solution root factor SLIDE 61 What are the factor(s) of ? Given that this function has one turning-point, what kind of turning point(s) does have? Sketch the graph of . SLIDE 62 What are the factor(s) of ? Given that this function has one turning-point, what kind of turning point(s) does have? Solution The roots (zeros) of a function are the value(s) of x that make . Thus, there is a root at corresponding to a factor . Although there is only one value that makes , it is often helpful (and more correct) to say that has one root repeated 3 times. We can write this . To sketch the graph of we observe that it is negative when x is negative and positive when x is positive. The negative part of the graph of is a rotated copy of the positive part. As we are told that it has one turning point, since it has no max or min, then at 0 (the root) it has a point of inflection. SLIDE 63 Write the functions and as products of their factors. SLIDE 64 The zeros of and correspond to factors , and . Hence, . The zeros of and correspond to factors , and . takes negative values for and hence starts in the upper quadrant with a negative gradient. Hence, we must introduce a minus sign. We can take the minus sign inside one (only) of the factors, to obtain, for example, . SLIDE 65 where k is a positive integer. Which of the following could be a sketch of the graph of ? SLIDE 66 where k is a positive integer. Which of the following could be a sketch of the graph of ? Solution The roots are at and where . Since then there is a positive root at . Since leads with a negative coefficient, it must have a maximum. The answer is option C.