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Systems of linear equations

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Lines and systems of equations Workout 48 slides
Systems of equations Library 12 questions
Once you have registered, you can work through the slides one by one. The workout comprises a series of sides that guide you systematically through the topic concept by concept, skill by skill. The slides may be used with or without the support of a tutor. The methodology is based on problem-solving that advances in logical succession by concept and difficulty. The student is presented with a problem or series of questions, and the next slide presents the fully-worked solution. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account. comprises a complete course in mathematics with resources that are comprehensive.



Showing American English version


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Showing American English version

QUESTION [difficulty 0.1]

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284: Circle theorems
300: Algebraic manipulations
312: Systems of linear equations
322: Intersection of lines and curves



Relationship between gradient and graph of a line 744.7
Finding the equation of a line through two points 745.1
Consolidation of the method of elimination 745.8
System of equations with no solution 746.1
Coefficient problem in a system with no solution 746.3
System of equations with infinitely many solutions 746.7
Problem on identity of equations 746.8
Coefficient problem in a system with infinite solutions 747.0
Rotation of a line clockwise by 90 degrees 747.2
Criterion for perpendicular lines, m1 × m2 = –1 747.6
Distance problem in coordinate geometry 748.3
Ratio problem on straight line 748.5


To make use of this chapter, please first register. Then you can work through the slides one by one.
What is provided here is the raw text of the workout. Most of the information is contained in the image files, which are not included with this text. The text may appear deceptively short. (The content overall of is vast.) Any in-line questions appear as a question mark [?]. This text is provided only as an indication of the overall quantity of material contained in the chapter. To use the material you must sign-in or create an account.
Systems of linear equations SLIDE 1 Revision SLIDE 2 SLIDE 3 The symbol means “a change in”. The expression stands for a change in y. The gradient of a line may be written The context makes it clear what kind of change is meant. Here the change in y is the rise, and the change in x is the step. A line goes through two points with coordinates and . Find in terms of these coordinates. SLIDE 4 SLIDE 5 ? By substituting into the equation find the gradient of the line which passes through the points and . ? Sketch the line. ? How can we tell from the slope of a graph whether the gradient is positive or negative? SLIDE 6 A line which is upward sloping has a positive gradient. A line which is downward sloping has a negative gradient. SLIDE 7 Draw onto one diagram three lines passing through the origin with gradient m such that ? ? ? . Describe in words the slope of each line. SLIDE 8 ? ? ? SLIDE 9 Draw onto one diagram three lines passing through the origin with gradient m such that ? ? ? . Describe in words the slope of each line. SLIDE 10 ? ? ? SLIDE 11 The equation of the straight line is where m is the gradient and c is the intercept on the y-axis. Example Find the equation of the straight line that passes through the points . Solution Sub into Sub into Solve for c SLIDE 12 Find the equation of the line passing through the points and . Sketch the line. SLIDE 13 SLIDE 14 Find the equation of the line passing through the points and . Sketch the line. SLIDE 15 SLIDE 16 Find the equations of the lines passing through the points ? and ? and SLIDE 17 ? and ? and SLIDE 18 Consolidation Solve by the method of elimination the simultaneous equations By rearranging both equations as or otherwise, make a sketch of both lines illustrating the solution. SLIDE 19 SLIDE 20 ? Sketch on a single diagram the two lines joining ? For each, find the equation of the line, their intercepts and their gradients. ? What is the relationship between the two lines? Why can’t there be a simultaneous solution? SLIDE21 Their gradients are the same, and they differ only in their intercepts. Because they are parallel lines, there cannot be a point of intersection between the two lines, so there cannot be a simultaneous solution to the two equations. SLIDE 22 Criterion for no solutions to a system of simultaneous equations A system of two simultaneous solutions has no solution if the lines represented by the two equations are parallel, while having different intercepts on the y-axis. Example Find the number of solutions to the above system of equations. Solution Rearrange both equations in the form The gradients of both equations are the same. They are parallel lines. They have no solutions. Number of solutions is 0. SLIDE 23 ? This system of equations has no solutions. Given that a and b are constants, what is the value of ? ? What are the values of a and b when the two equations are the same equation? SLIDE 24 ? This system of equations has no solutions. Given that a and b are constants, what is the value of ? ? What are the values of a and b when the two equations are the same equation? Solution ? ? SLIDE 25 In the system of equations above, a is a constant. This system has no solutions. What is the value of a? SLIDE 26 In the system of equations above, a is a constant. This system has no solutions. What is the value of a? Solution If they have no solutions, then they are parallel lines that differ in at most the intercept. The ratio of the y-coefficients in the two equations is . Multiplying by 3.4 . Hence, . Note. We can also rearrange both equations in the form and equate the gradients. SLIDE 27 – error “parallel” in second line changed to “identical” CHECK SLIDE. Criterion for infinitely many solutions to a system of simultaneous equations A system of two simultaneous solutions has infinitely many solutions if the lines represented by the two equations are identical Example These have infinitely many solutions because when the second equation is multiplied by 4 and rearranged, we obtain the first equation. . Remarks They have infinitely many solutions because the two lines “overlap”, and hence “overlap” at infinitely many places. The expression “infinitely many solutions” is a façon de parler (French for “manner of speaking”). Since the two lines are identical, then in one sense there is only one equation, and only one line. Strictly, there is no system of equations. But in another sense, there is a system, because two things are given or written down. The expression “infinitely many solutions” is a disguised way of asking the student to recognise that one equation is a multiple of the other. SLIDE 28 In the above, two of the equations are the same. Which are they? SLIDE 29 Equations are the same equation. SLIDE 30 In the system of equations above, m and n are constants. The system has infinitely many solutions. Find the ratio of m to n. SLIDE 31 In the system of equations above, m and n are constants. The system has infinitely many solutions. Find the ratio of m to n. Solution Infinitely many solutions ? the two equations are identical. Since , we obtain . Hence, The ratio . Note. If we are prepared to take it on trust that the two equations are the same (without checking it), then the ratio is automatically the ratio of the x and y coordinates in the second equation, because they are the same equation ? SLIDE 32 Duplicate of questions from work out 273, chapter 272, level 6.1 ? Rotate the triangle 90° clockwise about the point . Find the gradient of the hypotenuse. ? Draw the line passing through the points and . Find the gradient of this line. ? Draw the line perpendicular to the line you have just drawn passing through . What is the gradient of this perpendicular line? SLIDE 33 The gradient of the line PQ is . The line that is perpendicular to PQ has the same gradient as the triangle that has been rotated 90°. The gradient is . SLIDE 34 ? In terms of , what is the gradient, , of the line ? ? Rotate the triangle 90° clockwise about the point P. Mark the line made by the hypotenuse of this rotated triangle and find in terms of , what is the gradient, , of this line. ? Find the product of the two gradients, . SLIDE 35 SLIDE 36 Criterion for when two lines are perpendicular Two lines are perpendicular when the product of their gradients is equal to . SLIDE 37 Perpendicular ? Make the subject of the above equation ? State in words what is in terms of ? SLIDE 38 Perpendicular ? ? is the negative reciprocal of . SLIDE 39 State whether the following pairs of lines are (a) parallel, (b) perpendicular or (c) neither parallel nor perpendicular. ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 40 ? ? ? ? ? ? SLIDE 41 These two linear equations define lines that are A parallel and different B perpendicular C neither perpendicular nor parallel D parallel and the same E both parallel and perpendicular SLIDE 42 Rearranging the second equation The gradients are the same, the intercepts are different. Solution A parallel and different SLIDE 43 The points and are 8 units apart on the same line. Find x. SLIDE 44 The points and are 8 units apart on the same line. Find two possible values of x. Solution This is an application of Pythagoras’s Theorem. We are not told whether x is greater than or less than 9, so there are two possibilities – the lie is upward sloping or downward sloping. ? ? The two possible values of x are and . SLIDE 45 Square are drawn under a line as shown in the figure. Find the coordinates of P. SLIDE 46 As they are squares, we can find the gradient of the line, . Let the side of the third square be s. By similar triangles The coordinates of the point Q in the figure are , so the coordinates of P are . SLIDE 47 The equation of the line QRV is . The gradient of the line PRT is twice the gradient of the line QRV. Find the ratio of PQ to RS. SLIDE 48 The equation of the line QRV is . The gradient of the line PRT is twice the gradient of the line QRV. The coordinates of T are . Find the ratio of PQ to RS. Solution The gradient of line PRT is To find R,